The Phoenix Centre blog is available here!

Whats New

A new Psychic circle is being started with Dr Jon Sherwood the worlds oldest living channel as your guide.

Learn a whole range of things that you can practice at home.

Only one night per week cost is only £5. for 2 hours.

Starts 7.30pm - 9pm

If you are interested then phone: 01380818067 for details Location is Great Cheverell Wiltshire.


Numerous courses will be starting soon from basic healing to meditation esp development and others for details watch this space for more updates soon.


Check out our great new magazine Phoenix Rising here and subscribe for one year or collect your copy locally. If you have a local shop that you think would be interested in carrying copies then drop us an email here.

We are working on getting the Phoenix Rising magazine out in Wiltshire to as many shops that are interested in selling it..


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(c) 2006-2008 J Sherwood